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CSXT K&A Etowah Sub Division from Etowah TN to Cartersville GA
heres the sideings on the Etowah Sub DIV
Etowah YRD 14 Crossovers NE MP00C 333.3
Middle Etowah MP 00C335.5
SE Etowah 336.6
Delano DD mp00c 339.9
Patty mp00c 341.8
SE Patty mp00c344.7
NE Ocoee 00c 351.7 sideing 6875 ft
SE Ocoee mp00c 353.1
Old fort TN DD 357.5
NE Fairy sideing 00c367.6 6765ft
SE Fairy 00c369.2
Chatsworth GA DD 375.6
Chatsworth house track NE 00c378.2
SE Chatsworth 00c378.9
NE Coniston 00c387.4 sideing 8275ft
SE Coniston 00c 389.1
Ranger ga DD 399.6
NE Bolivar 00c 405.2 8715 ft
SE Bolivar 00c407.1 tyson plant there as well
White ga has new ToyYo plant off HWY 411
Wyvern Siding 12,750ft and DD 00C 417.0 high n wide DD
North Yard 00c 421.1
K&A WYE 00c422.6
Junta 00c 422.7
other Signals they Clear through here
Cisco ga
Crandall GA
Chatsworth ga
MP 00C380.0
Ramhurts ga 00C384.0
HWY 136 MP00C392
MP 00C395 south oakman ga
Ranger Fairmount
HWY 140 Pine log GA
White GA
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